But I must explain to you how all this mistaken idea of denouncing pleasure and praising pain was born and will give you a complete account of the system and expound the actual teachings of the great explore

Carlos Plants a Tree and Falls in Love with Rafting

Carlos – Accounting Manager

The first Desafio tour I did was right after I started with the company in 2009. It was the Rio Balsa class 2-3 rafting. I was supposed to go out on the general rafting tour that most of our clients go out on each morning, but I accidentally slept late that day! I got lucky and found out that there was a community group of high school students from the local La Fortuna school going out for a day of rafting and tree planting that I could go with instead.

I went out with a group of about 20 students and we stopped about halfway in Santa Clara for some fresh fruit and to do the tree planting. It was really funny because some of the Costa Rican high school students tried to ride some of the cows in the nearby field. I also remember one of my shoes fell apart and I had to spend the rest of the day with no shoes! We went to the river house for lunch after and the food was delicious.

I remember that my guide that day was Cuca and he was a lot of fun. He even let me try to guide the raft to a calm spot in the river. It was that day that I fell in love with both the company and the sport of rafting. After that, I turned my attention to practicing the sport and have enjoyed learning how to both raft and even kayak the river solo. In fact, to this day, when we are really busy or don’t have enough guides, I have gone out to cover the safety kayaks on the rafting tours! It is a nice break from the office sometimes.

Rafting practice