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Building a Bright Future for San Carlos with the Rivers & Volcanoes Foundation

We are pleased to highlight the contribution of the Rivers & Volcanoes Foundation to the creation of new classrooms at La Fortuna School in San Carlos, Costa Rica, with the aim of strengthening English language learning in the region.

San Carlos, a region rich in nature and culture, faces limitations in access to quality education. The Christian Association Experience of Faith is committed to improving education, with a focus on English.

Rivers & Volcanoes has been a key ally in this endeavor, providing generous financial support for the construction of the classrooms. This project not only provides physical spaces but also represents an investment in the future of students.

English is an essential skill in today’s world, opening up educational and employment opportunities and promoting cross-cultural understanding. It is hoped that more students will have access to quality English education thanks to these classrooms.

The impact of this initiative extends beyond education, strengthening the social and economic fabric of the community. With each classroom built, a promising future is forged for San Carlos.

Everyone is invited to join this cause, whether through donations, volunteering, or spreading the word. Together, we can make a difference in the lives of students and their families.

Thank you for your support!